Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tacos on Tacos (June 27)

happy fathers day

Happy late Fathers Day to all of the dads out there. I know that there have been tons that have helped me in my life. This week has been a slower week. Not a lot of teaching. We are working with a lot of Less Actives and there have been some cool miracles. We found a family that hasn't been contacted or visited in 12 years and they were so happy to see us. Super cool family. There are people out there waiting and ready for the gospel. The trick is just finding them. Im doing good just not much to talk about this week. I hope you all have a fun week at the beach! Love you all


Helloooo outside world. This week has been a week. It goes by so fast. Well ill give a little run down on what happened. So we were out contacting and knocking doors and i saw i hopscotch game. And you gotta enjoy the little things so i played some hopscotch with E. Dowda and it was a blast. (Im trying to send a video). You may have hear there was an earthquake. Everything is alright but it was super fun. The entire house was shaking at like 1 in the morning and i had no idea what was going on and i was still half asleep. My first earthquake! I went on two exchanges this week. My first i went down to Esco with a brand new missionary E. Castillo. A fellow spanish missionary. Man we had a blast. He is a sharp kid. We talked to people in the park and man that is one of the most awkward things ever haha but if its not awkward you arent doing it right. Then the next day i was in Valley Center again but with my Zone Leader Elder Nokes. We "cartacted" so many people. We see people on the side of the street and slam on the brakes roll our window down and proceed to share the gospel with them. I dont think it will ever not be awkward but its so much fun haha the looks people give are hilarious. President and Sister Kendrick are going home in a couple of weeks and they gave us their dying testimonies. Its so sad seeing them go home. My new mission President comes in in a couple weeks. So there is all that information.

Again the power of the Priesthood is real. I have given so many blessings on my misson. It works and its real. I love being a missionary. Its hard but so worth it.

I love you all!

June 6

Hey fam so i dont have much time this week. The mission life is a busy one. Especially when you try fishing and playing disc golf on P days. But my favorite part of this past week was being with my bud Juarez Juarez (yes that is his first and last name) and the chicken Mili el milagro. Im doing great in Valley Center thanks for all the support and love!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

America (May 31)

I love small towns!!! There was a parade, rodeo (that we didnt go to but it was still cool) and American flags  all over in Valley Center this weekend and i loved it. My new companion is Elder Dowda. He is from Colorado. Things are a lot different. We dont have much in common but we are going to make it work. 

This past week we had meetings on meeting on meetings on meetings. I think i had a meeting everyday except Saturday. The church runs on meetings right? haha There was a Spanish conference for all of the Spanish missionaries in the mission this past Thursday. I love being a Spanish missionary. All of my close Spanish mission buddies go home in a couple of weeks and thats the last time ill see them before they go home so it was sad. But at the Spanish conference I gave a training with another Elder and it was the funnest training ever. We trained on teaching skills adapted to the spanish culture so we had Banda music blasting and we were walking around offering pan dulce while the missionaries had to teach a lesson. 

I also met another person from El Paso! That never happens so it was pretty cool. I made a goal this week to wake up at 5:30 every morning and not go to bed till 10:30 (sounds early but im exhausted by the end of the day) everyday so i can make the most out of every minute. 

The work is a little slow right now but have alot of potential to work with. Im excited to help these spanish speaking people take the steps they need to to come closer to their Savior. 

Love you all have a great week!

Elder Romney with new comp Elder Dowda

The Spanish missionaries of the mission!

Flat Tires and coyotes. (May 23)

hello outside world. This week has been one of the funnest yet. My professional tire changing skill came in handy this past week when we ran over a nail the size of Africa. We also had the Sister that we share a ward with leave a dead coyote on our front porch and Elder Rodriguez and I didnt allow that so we went and left it in their house. Good times in Valley Center. We had a Zone Conference with a couple of the zones. It was good to see some of my mission buddies i have served with. It was President Kendricsk last Zone Conference with us. Its going to be sad to see him leave. We got transfer calls on Saturday  and Elder Rodriguez is leaving Valley Center and is headed to Oceanside to finish his mission. Im gonna miss that chump we have had a good time together. I will be getting Elder Dowda.

This past week i gave a talk on "How can i strengthen my testimony". Its the best talk ive ever given which isnt saying much still. Speaking of testimonies, i have a strong testimony on the power of Priesthood. This past week we have given so many. Cancer, sickness, comfort no matter what the problem is the Priesthood will help. I love you all have a great week!

Hanging with the homies in Escondido

****Funny story from Laura Rush a great lady in their ward who takes good care of bay and the missionaries..
Elder Romney is much bigger then Elder Rod as you can see. We had hamburgers and polish sausages. Your Elder ate 1 hamburger, salad and fruit. Elder Rodriguez ate 2 hamburgers, 1 polish sausage, a ton of French fries, no salad lots of beans, fruit and a big bowl of ice cream. He ate for 1 1/2 hours while we all just watched with our mouths open!
My 6'6" elder (her son on a mission too) eats a lot, but not like our 5'5" elder Rod!

Yes Baylor is the same doesn't eat much!!