Sunday, April 2, 2017

Another week

Hey guys its been another good one. On Tuesday Elder Higginson left to travel for the week and be on exchanges with other missionaries. So it was me and Elder Horton holding down the fort. Tuesday night we had Elders come over to start some exchanges. Wednesday we hit the pave on exchanges and got a lot done. Wednesday night we did the same thing with another companionship of Elders. Thursday i was with another Spanish missionary so we went by all of the Spanish names that we had and got some work done. It was cool to see in those 2 days of exchanges we picked up 3 new people to teach. Something that hasn't happened in this area in awhile. Ive seen over and over again on my mission when you are doing the things that you are supposed to God will eventually bless you. It doesn't always come immediately, in fact it almost never come immediately, but it does come. Exchanges are super tiring but pretty fun. Thursday night we picked up our boy Higgy again because we had a meeting with President on Friday. We have a mission leadership meeting on Friday so we started to plan the training's that we will give for that meeting. That took up most of our Saturday. On Saturday night we had dinner with an older couple that Elder Horton taught and helped join the church. Its so cool to hear conversion stories. Sunday is always a great day but a dang long one. We woke up early so we could get over to the military base. I am teaching a recruit that is from Texas. He is one of those people that is ready to receive the gospel. Such a good guy. Its fun listen to the recruits stories from boot camp. Being out there serving them has made me appreciate even more what our military sacrifices for our country. It makes me even more proud to be an American. 

I'm busier than ever and more tired than ever but i'm happy right now and things are going great. 

Dont have many pics from this week but here are some

The Christensens (senior couple that worked in the office) went home this week (my hair is long)
The two knee Elders that returned (my hair is buzzed)
From awhile ago but me and E. Ruhl at Edson Range

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